A Time For Us

Count Marc Antonio Verano:

For 70 years,
I've watched the seasons change.
I've seen the vibrant life of summer,
the brilliant death of fall...
the silent grave of winter.
And then, I've seen
the resurrection of spring,
the glorious birth of new life.
And my father and my father's father
have seen it before me.
Nothing ever dies, my friend.
You don't believe that,
do you?

 Andrea Orsini:
I don't have your wisdom,
my lord.
I believe that I was born
and that I must die...
and that I must make the best of what
lies between the two extremes.
Screenplay, Prince of Foxes (1949)






Something for the weekend.  A Time For Us, also known as The Love Theme from Romeo and Juliet (1968) and What is a Youth. Written by Henry Mancini for Franco Zeffirelli’s take on Shakespeare’s immortal tale of doomed love.  I know of no other song that better conveys the passage of time, and what a joyous, sad and wondrous thing the life that God grants us is.




Published in: on June 22, 2024 at 5:30 am  Leave a Comment  
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