Illinois Manpower in the Civil War



When you heard your country calling, Illinois, Illinois,

Where the shot and shell were falling, Illinois, Illinois,

When the Southern host withdrew, Pitting Gray against the Blue,

 There were none more brave than you, Illinois, Illinois,

There were none more brave than you, Illinois.

Not without thy wondrous story, Illinois, Illinois,

Can be writ the nation’s glory, Illinois, Illinois,

On the record of thy years, Abraham Lincoln’s name appears,

 Grant and Logan, and our tears, Illinois, Illinois,

 Grant and Logan, and our tears, Illinois.

From the State Song of Illinois

Lincoln’s home state of Illinois played a pivotal role in the Civil War.  Geography helped cause this.  With a western border consisting entirely of the Mississippi River for 581 miles, Illinois was obviously going to be pivotal in any fight for control of The Father of the Waters.  Illinois also was adjacent to two border states, Kentucky and Missouri, control of which were critical for the Union war effort.  However, it was the number of troops contributed by Illinois that was striking in regard to the participation of Illinois in the War. (more…)

Published in: on November 17, 2023 at 5:30 am  Comments Off on Illinois Manpower in the Civil War  
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